AS 91351

Plant Based Cheesecakes

Technology 2.60 - Implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.


91351 L2 TASK Processing Fruit Tarts

Checklist of What to Hand In:

  • Your final cheesecakes

  • Your flow diagram (includes processing and tests)

  • Specifications and photographs of finished product

  • HACCP food safety plan

  • Your QA plan including your tests and key points summary.

  • Keep a journal or diary with photos of each day's trials and testing. Annotate the photos explaining what you did and why. Explain anything you decided to change and why.


Research, finding the best way to make the plant based cheesecake.

Cheesecake Strawberry 12 x muffin size
peanut maple cheesecake single.pdf
Cheesecake Passion Mango 12 x muffin size


Making food that's safe to eat.

HACCP personal hygiene

Test Your Food Safety Understanding

  • Watch "HACCP Training for Food Handlers" clip above (left).

  • Watch the "Food Safety Training Video" clip above.

Now fill in the HACCP Personal Hygiene Control Chart (left), paste into your portfolio. ๐Ÿ“—

HACCP Cheesecakes

Your Fruit Tarts HACCP Plan

You have been given a HACCP Plan for your cheesecakes (left).

You must determine when to carry out the necessary checks, and make sure you are following the control methods to prevent contamination in all your processing steps and your cheesecakes. Fill in the WHEN blanks under "monitoring check" column.

Paste this plan into your portfolio. Determine what order you will follow these control methods and checks in. Number them 1-7. ๐Ÿ“—


Checking the cheesecake ticks all the boxes.

My CHEESECAKE Specifications

Cheesecake Specifications

Your final cheesecake will be measured against each of these specifications. It must meet all of these to pass the assessment.

Fill in the table. Judge your cheesecake against each specification, and provide evidence (include photos).


Tests to ensure it will be a great cheesecake.


Your Quality Assurance Plan

  • You must decide which tests you will carry out during your processing. The test results will guide you to improve your product.

  • Fill in the QA Plan, print it out and paste into your portfolio. ๐Ÿ“—

  • You also need to include all the tests in your Flow Diagram.

PROCESSING: Key Points for a Great Cheesecake

  • During your cooking trials you will find things that you realise are important for making a great cheesecake. Make sure you write down these points, maybe attach relevant photos and annotate them.

  • You may also realise points that save time or ingredients.

Processing Key Points CHEESECAKE


Sequencing, putting everything into the best order.


Practice Flowcharts

Work through the Slideshow above. Do the last exercise - making a flowchart for 2 minute noodles, and toast at the same time. Efficiency!

Create Your Cheesecake Processing Flowchart

It must include:

    • Every process (e.g. mixing, baking, cooking, cooling, blending)

    • Every test (Quality Assurance Plan)

You could also indicate any HACCP control points on your flowchart.

Post-It Notes are an easy way to make your boxes. Cut them smaller with scissors, stick them on. When you are sure everything fits, glue them down and draw the arrows. Paste each version of your flowchart into your portfolio. ๐Ÿ“—

Think about efficiency - parallel operations. While one thing is waiting, the next thing is started already.


What you need to hand in.

Once you have completed your fruit tart project, hand in to your teacher:

  • Your final cheesecake

  • Your portfolio, which must include:

    • Your final cheesecake recipe(s)

    • Your final cheesecake flowchart including all processes and tests

    • Your completed cheesecake HACCP personal hygiene chart

    • Your completed cheesecake HACCP plan

    • Your completed cheesecake quality assurance plan

    • Your completed cheesecake key points list

    • Your final cheesecake specifications (including photos & evidence)