Planet Earth
Hamburgers on the Environment
What country is this video made in? Does it also apply to NZ?
Worldwide what % of land is used for growing livestock?
How much water does growing beef need compared to growing wheat?
What is the gas cows produce that contributes to greenhouse gases?
"If Americans ate plant-based one day per week it would have the same effect on climate as taking _____ million cars off the road for 1 year."
What is better for the environment, grass-fed or grain-fed beef?
Why are Vegetarians Annoying?
What is a major challenge he talks about for people in choosing to eat less or no meat?
"Basically vegetarianism means people can have more food with less impact" - what does this mean?
What is the cultural conflict he talks about?
In 200 years from now he says "people will think it was ridiculous that we ate..." what?
Hidden Costs of Meat, Dairy, Eggs
What country is this video made in? Does it also apply to NZ?
Eating too much meat and dairy contributes to which diseases?
How many crops do we have to grow to feed animals compared to if we just ate the crops ourselves?
What are the causes of hidden costs in meat and dairy and eggs?