AS 91643

Creme Pie with Jelly Topping

Technology 3.60 - Implement complex procedures to process a specified product.


MANUKURA Task Document

TASK MK 91643 L3 Creme Pie

CCS Task Document

CCS 91643 L3 TASK Creme Pie


Research, finding the best way to make your outcome.

Berry Jelly 2
rice millet torte.pdf
rice buckwheat almond cookies.pdf


Sequencing, putting everything into the best order.


Your Flowchart

Create a flowchart for your Creme Pie.

  • It must include:
    • Every process (e.g. mixing, baking, cooking, cooling, blending)
    • Every test (Quality Assurance plan)

As you practice your pie and do your testing, you will work out better ways to do things. Make changes on your flowchart, make annotations to show how you responded to testing results.📗

For higher grades you need to show efficiency - parallel operations. So while one thing is waiting, the next thing is started already.

Post-It Notes are an easy way to make your boxes. Cut them smaller with scissors, stick them on. When you are sure everything fits, glue them down and draw the arrows.

Make your flowchart on paper with post-it notes, OR using online.



Tests to ensure it will be a great outcome.

QA Plan

Your Quality Assurance Plan

  • You must decide which tests you will carry out during your processing. The test results will guide you to improve your product.
  • Create your QA Plan and paste into your portfolio.
  • You also need to include all the tests in your Flow Diagram and record the results of your testing.

Your QA Plan Checks & Charts

  • Here is an example of a chart to check the colour, or doneness of a butter cake. Paint swatches also work.
  • Make your own specifications, charts & checks for your product.


Making food that's safe to eat.

Hazard Analysis

  • Make a copy of the HACCP Google Doc on the right.
  • Watch the videos above, and study the document until you understand about HACCP - how to identify Hazards, and how to Control them.
  • Fill in the hazard identification table in the document.
HACCP Food Safety

Identify the hazards in the slideshow.

Did something go wrong in the processing?

Did something go wrong with the ingredients?

Did something go wrong with the personal hygiene?

Are they physical hazards?

Are they chemical hazards?

Are they biological hazards?

Your HACCP Plan

HACCP ingredients

Your HACCP Plan

  • Fill in, print out and glue into your portfolio these 3 control charts:
    • Ingredients control chart
    • Processing control chart
    • Personal hygiene control chart
  • Change the chart if it is not right for your product. 📗
HACCP processing
HACCP personal hygiene


Is it worth making? How can we produce our pie in a cost efficent way?

Costs and yield

Product Cost & Yield

  • Cost is worked out based on ingredients, power and time.
  • Yield is how many slices of pie you get from one recipe for selling.
  • At the start of your project, fill in the Estimated Costs and Yield. Work through the actual costs and yield once you have finalised your recipe. Print out and stick into your portfolio. 📗