AS 90956
What's for Dinner?
Teenage Nutrition
Home Economics 1.1 - Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs.
What will you learn in this module of work?
Food Facts
Daily Eating Plan
Ministry of Health Food & Nutrition Guidelines
FNG Quiz in Pairs
Work with a partner
The person answering has the blue brochure.
The quizzer has as the "Peer Quiz - FNGs"
The quizzer asks the questions on the sheet, the person answering finds the answers in the blue brochure.
The quizzer writes the answers down.
Work through the booklet in order, swap roles half way through!
What is 1 Serving?
FNGs - Food & Nutrition Guidelines
Do the Mahi
Which of these dinner recipes does NOT meet the FNGs?
Which of these dinner recipes DOES meet the FNGs?
Which one is in the middle, but you could improve it to meet the FNGs?
The little things that matter a lot.
Do the Mahi
Why do we need vitamins? Why do we need minerals?
Which foods give us key vitamins like Vit C?
Which foods give us key minerals like Iron and Calcium?
Make a copy of the Micronutrients Google Doc (right) and answer the questions.
Tui - the athlete.
Do the Mahi
Tui is a sporting teenager who trains before school and has practices after school and games on the weekend.
Copy the Food Plan and write in the servings for all the food on her food plan.
Add up the total servings for each food group.
See if these are good for a teenage athlete.
If anything is wrong, change up the plan to make it good.
Your Food Plan
Make your Food Plan
In Google Classroom create your own food plan in the blank template.
Fill it in with your own dream healthy food menu.
Make sure it meets all the FNGs:
low in extras (salt, sugar, fat)
healthy cooking methods (steaming, baking, non-stick pan, not frying in oil)
the right amount of each food group
aim for variety, and different colours of veges and fruit and different types of foods
all milk should be light blue or low-fat