AS 90956

What's for Dinner?

Teenage Nutrition

Home Economics 1.1 - Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs.

What will you learn in this module of work?

Food Facts


Daily Eating Plan


Ministry of Health Food & Nutrition Guidelines

HE1230_Healthy Eating for Young People.pdf

MoE Eating and Activity Guidelines

FNG Quiz in Pairs

  • Work with a partner

  • The person answering has the blue brochure.

  • The quizzer has as the "Peer Quiz - FNGs"

  • The quizzer asks the questions on the sheet, the person answering finds the answers in the blue brochure.

  • The quizzer writes the answers down.

  • Work through the booklet in order, swap roles half way through!

Peer Quiz - FNGs

What is 1 Serving?

Instructional Video

L1 2.Food Plan Servings.webm
What is 1 Serving?

Do the Mahi

  • Make a copy and save to your "food tech" folder in Google Drive.

  • Using the slideshow above to answer the questions in this worksheet.

MOH FNG Concept

FNGs - Food & Nutrition Guidelines

L1 Nutrition

Do the Mahi

  • Which of these dinner recipes does NOT meet the FNGs?

  • Which of these dinner recipes DOES meet the FNGs?

  • Which one is in the middle, but you could improve it to meet the FNGs?


The little things that matter a lot.

L1 Micronutrients

Do the Mahi

  • Why do we need vitamins? Why do we need minerals?

  • Which foods give us key vitamins like Vit C?

  • Which foods give us key minerals like Iron and Calcium?

  • Make a copy of the Micronutrients Google Doc (right) and answer the questions.

L1 Micronutrients.webm


Tui - the athlete.

Do the Mahi

  • Tui is a sporting teenager who trains before school and has practices after school and games on the weekend.

  • Copy the Food Plan and write in the servings for all the food on her food plan.

  • Add up the total servings for each food group.

  • See if these are good for a teenage athlete.

  • If anything is wrong, change up the plan to make it good.

Athlete Tui's meal plan

Your Food Plan

Make your Food Plan

  • In Google Classroom create your own food plan in the blank template.

  • Fill it in with your own dream healthy food menu.

  • Make sure it meets all the FNGs:

    • low in extras (salt, sugar, fat)

    • healthy cooking methods (steaming, baking, non-stick pan, not frying in oil)

    • the right amount of each food group

    • aim for variety, and different colours of veges and fruit and different types of foods

    • all milk should be light blue or low-fat



TASK Documents

90956 L1 Nutritional Needs
CCS 90956 L1 TASK What's for Dinner?


90956 Home Ec 1.1 Exemplars

STUDENT Documents

90956 L1 Student Work
CCS 90956 L1 Student Work