AS 91468
Sugar Tax
Food Ethical Dilemma
Home Economics 3.3 - Analyse a food related ethical dilemma for New Zealand society
Utilitarian Approach
The Rights Approach
Fairness or Justice Approach
Common Good Approach
The Virtue Approach
Ethical problem solving involves accumulating all the facts surrounding an issue and considering
what the possible solutions to the problem are, and what benefits and harms result from each and whom they affect;
what rights each of the parties to the problems has;
what solutions to the problem treat all parties equally;
what course of action promotes the common good;
and, what actions develop moral virtues.
The UK Sugar Tax (which was introduced in April 2018)
What is a Sugar Tax?
How does it work?
What is taxed?
What does it hope to achieve?
What could go wrong?
Will it work?
The US Debate on Sugar Tax - yes / no
Does your ZIP CODE determine your weight and health?
What has poverty got to do with obesity?
Is this a case if INEQUALITY? Is it UNJUST?
Should healthy food be available for all people?
Should fast food companies make profits off making poor people sick?
NZ Articles - Debate rages on whether or not NZ should have a Sugar Tax
Dan Hunt - Health Policy Consultant
"SSBs are fundamentally ____________ and have ______ place in the diet"
"SSBs are in the same category as gambling, __________ and _________ and therefore should not be marketed to ____________"
"Consuming SSBs results in obesity, __________ and __________"
"A tax on SSBs is an __________ _________ to reduce sugar consumption"
"Companies will / will not reformulate drinks without a sugar tax"
Geoff Parker - Australian Beverages Council
"Sugar is a relatively _______ and _______ part of the diet"
"Nowhere in the world do these types of taxes _______ on public health"
"Weight gain is caused by _________ factors, there's no quick fix"
"Consumer ___________ is the key"
"It's about choice, consumers should be able to access ______ or _____ sugar options on their favourite drinks"
Stuff Articles on the Sugar Tax Dilemma
A whole bunch of case studies and articles on:
TAX TWIST: "Does a Sugar Tax work"
DR DOLLA: "Where does the money go"
SUGA CRUSH: "Why Sugary Drinks?"